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Date: 6-Jan-2022

Events that took place on this day in history 6 January

*In 1929,
On January 6, 1929 she arrived in the city at the foot of the Himalayas, eager to learn Bengali and participate in the education programs run by the Loreto convent. Two years later, she would receive her official name, Teresa, after taking her first set of vows. Just 18 years old and far from her Albanian home, a young novitiate named Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu arrived in Kolkata, India to fulfill a long-held dream . By the time she died in 1997, she came to fame for her work with the poor on the streets of Kolkata as Mother Teresa.

*In 1842,
The 1842 retreat from Kabul, also called the Massacre of Elphinstone's army, during the First Anglo-Afghan War, was the retreat of the British and East India Company forces from Kabul. An uprising in Kabul forced the then commander, Major-General William Elphinstone, to fall back to the British garrison at Jalalabad. As the army and its numerous dependents and camp followers began its march, it came under attack from Afghan tribesmen. Many of the column died of exposure, frostbite or starvation, or were killed during the fighting.